Setting Goals and Rewards.

Setting Goals and Rewards.
Setting goals, is something we know should be done.  But simply setting a goal is not enough to get us to our goal.  Anytime there is a goal you have set for yourself.  There needs to be little goals that get us to our main goal.  Doing it this way sets you up for success to reach your goal.
For example,  " I want to lose 50 lbs."  That is a good goal to have.  But you just don't wake up 50 lbs lighter, right?  I sure wish we could do that.  LOL.  Since we can't.  How do we set goals, and actually reach them?
Think of your goals like a ladder.  The 50 lbs you want to lose is at the top of the that ladder.  You can't just jump to the top, to reach your goal.  You must climb the ladder to get there.  So let's use the ladder.
What steps do you need to take right now to reach your main goal?
Maybe you need to change your eating, or you need to be more active.  This will be your first goal.  For this example I will use the goals I have set for my self. 
For years I have only drunk Pepsi.  With very little of any thing else.  I know this is a big part of my weight issues.  So I'm slowing decreasing my Pepsi and adding more water into my day.  Everyone knows if you just give up caffeine it can cause major headaches.  So my first goal, the first step up my ladder.
1.  To drink 6 glasses of water everyday for 2 weeks.    My reward will be a cool water bottle to carry around with me.
2.  Eat 1 cup of Fruits and veggies with every meal for 2 weeks.  My reward will be a new pair of earrings.
The point is to set little goals to be reached within a 2 week period.  The goals need to be focused  on what you need to reach your main goal.  Each goal is a step up the ladder towards your main goal.
Each goal needs to have an equal reward.  This will help you stay motived during your journey toward your main goal. 
Now you might be wondering.  Why 2 weeks per goal?  It take 2 weeks to brake or set a habit.  By giving each goal 2 weeks.  You are giving your body time to adjust to a new routine.  Remember we are setting this up to success for the rest of our lives.  So we can maintain better health for the long term.  Plus 2 weeks is not that long.  So reaching this goal will not be impossible. You will have a reward for your hard work in a small amount of time.  Helping you stay motived to keep going.  When we set our goals, and rewards to far away.  We lose sight of the goal.  And it feels like you will never get there.  So why keep doing it.
A key point to the rewards you pick for each goal.  It should never be a FOOD Reward.  This kind of reward destroys what you are trying to do.  There are many kinds of diets out there.  Some will restrict your food.  Some will not.  Food is not a reward.  Foo is what we need to nurture our lives.  To give us energy to keep moving.  We will go into deeper detail about food at a later date.  Just remember it is not a reward to be worked towards.  Your rewards to be things that add to your life.  Not your waist line.
Decide what your main goal is?  
Set small goals that help you work towards you main goal.
Take your steps up the ladder one at a time.  You will reach your main goal before you know it.
Believe in yourself.  You can do this.
Until next time.  Stay Healthy.
To see more form G X Factor
By Tina Ratliff-Ward
 Passion for a health life.

